Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Endhiran & Money never sleeps.

I badly wanted to watch Oliver Stone's "Money never sleeps- Wall street II" in cinemas.  On 1st October morning, when I opened the morning newspaper, I was shocked to see a tsunami called Endhiran swept away all the movies in Chennai cinemas.  It was Endhiran, the new Tamil film of Shankar was literally running in every movie house in Chennai. Never before such a thing happened.  It was a film produced by Sun Pictures allegedly in 160 crores - 200 crores.  Nobody knows what is the real budget.  Shankar himself said in an interview that he doesn't know the budget, producer simpley organized every thing he asked for.  Some cinemas had their first show as early as 5am. A multiplex ran 45 shows in a day.  In effect one day run of this movie equalled 15 days.  As the film already completed its 10th day, in the conventional sense it had completed its 100th day.

I gathered my guts and went to watch this movie ( otherwise I will be outcast).  Oh god! what a film it was, I really wonder how shanker could think such a story and was keeping it in his mind for the last ten years before he made it finally.  During those ten years, I am afraid Shankar has not made changes in the story that he had kept in the mind.  That's why the film looks so funny.  "thinking is such a waste of time" a recent bike ad said.  Shankar strongly believes in it.  He said in an interview " I don't think, I simply do it".  It is true, if he had thought, he would not have done this film.  I was simply flabbergasted at the introducing scene, where protogonist Rajini,  is simply fiddling with the Robot with an ordinary screw driver. Yes, Shankar doesn't think but simple does.  In the entire lab there are only four people through out the film, Rajini and his two funny assistants whose job is to provide a comedy track for the film and finally the villain.

Rajini loves Iswarya Roy who is a medical student.  He has been loving her over ten years.  So, he must have fallen in love with her when she was in her primary school or she must be studying in the medical college over ten years.  Yes Shankar doesn't believe in thinking but in doing.  Other wise he wouldn't have done the mosquito scene, a long and funny sequence.  The graphic work in the film is really commendable on par with any hollywood film, because it was done by the same people in Hollywood.  When hundreds of foreign names scroll at the end of the film, hardly people are there in the theatre. When Spielberg made AI - Artificial Intelligence, he had a round of discussion with scientists that included Nobel laurates.  Poor Shankar had discussed the story only with Rajini.

Now "Money never sleeps" runs in only one theatre at late night show.  I hate to go for night shows, therefore I am waiting for its original DVD to come.  But in the last ten days, I really understood that "Money never sleeps", it it sleeps, it doesn't multiply. In all FM channels, tv channels and movie houses for the last ten days the money was awake with his eyes wide open to multiply fast, because it belonged to a family who have real muscle and political power.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Movie I watched today - 5th October 2010

Often it happens, some movies would be lying for months, years in my DVD racks. When I decide to watch a movie, I just browse through my rack, most of the time I end up in choosing a movie that is recent (you always have enough recent movies).  This is why some gems which you are unaware, like an unsung hero is lying in the corner of your rack unattended.  

Today I felt like watching an old movie that has been unattended for years.  I picked up "Guess who is coming to dinner" directed by Stanley Kramer.  Watched it in one go, what a film! A story that happens in a day is told in 100 minutes, but the story covers years of American history, racial tension, white liberals,  a love story beyond races...

A classic film that is almost on the verge of melodrama, the writing in the film is so good and you almost secretely wish it to enter into real melodrama.  The writer is so good  and he beatifully avoids it.  The  writer is William Rose.

It is a film that teaches you how to write scenes with short ratio of screen time Vs story time with tensions glimmering at every scene.  This is what I really like about these old classical American movies thoough my real cup of tea is always European movies.

A mesmerising performance by Katharine Hepburn (who won Oscar for this), Spencer Tracy and Sidney Poiter. Though this color film belongs to 60, it is so contemperory in terms of "parents especially so called progressive parents understanding their children".

Once I finished watching this movie, without thinking twice I put it in the rack that is marked with "My favourites".